today started off promising to be a grey, cool day but turned out pleasant enough by the afternoon. that seems to be the way the weather works where we live now. the early morning is clear, but then

it clouds over in by mid-morning and then by afternoon it clears up again usually until sunset. today wasn't any different and was just a great day to hang out, plus it had the added bonus of being 4/20 which is a day to be celebrated among those who chose to use marijuana. here are some of the pics i took today while enjoying my 4/20.
the feast after it was bbq'd
the enchanted wood
and here i thought trilliums only grew
in ontario (hence the provicial flower in of ontario is the trillium...duh!) 'cept for for one little thing, this was in the
enchanted wood behind my house...alrightso it's not really enchnnted, but wouldn't thatbe something ??
this hippy-lady who lives in town. i see her everywhere driving this thing which a covered with all sorts of neat crap.

sometimes i really like living here...i mean, just look at that mountain and i live at the foot of it! pretty cool to think about.
i think this province may be slowly, slightly working its magic on me. of course, nice weather will always bring out the best of any place, but i have to say to its really nice here.
hope you had as good of a 4/20 as i did.