1. I actually enjoy the taste of McDonalds' cheeseburgers and likely always will.
2. I generally hate old people.
3. I try not to have ugly people as friends.
4. I pretend to like Martinis because I think they make me look sophisticated when all they really do is burn my throat.
5. I sometimes feel bored and tune out when people start talking about socially-conscious problems, especially when a sentence is started with "You know what the real problem is with the world..." It's not that I don't care about the world, I just don't care that you care.
6. I buy Starbucks everyday mostly for the green+white logo on the cup.
7. I feel Taiwanese food is bland +boring for the most part and when it comes to sweets, I think they drew the short straw.
8. I have trouble making a list of ten faults.