Tuesday, February 19, 2008

slight improvements

february is here and things have improved ever so slightly. my last entry was a complete and utter bitch, so i feel it's prudent to inform my dear reader how things have gotten better over the last 2.5 weeks.

we have a car again! old is new! thanks to tanya for lending us her car whilst she finishes her studies...you are the most! funny enough, we are using elisha's old car which is tanya's new car which is now our new/old car again...would that make it nold? not sure.

we are also starting to hatch our schemes to escape this hole in the ground. we are still sticking to our original timetable, but the plans are becoming more cohesive. honestly, the biggest thing standing in our way isn't resolve or know-how or even money it's just that we don't know what to do next...vis a vis, there are too many choices. some where hot and tropical locale sounds fabulous right now as could be provided by anywhere in south america, but then again so too does contributing to my CPP while living in the uttermost west of canada. spain or any where in europe would definitely offer some cultural meats to my stew not too mention that it is europe and opportunities to work across the pond tend to expire as i do. decisions, decisions...

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