only a few short days to go before we are back in taiwan once more. the reality of everything is really starting to sink in and i find myself becoming more and more protective over the time i have left. i picked up my visa today so that is pretty much the last thing to cross off the to-do list. at the same time, there are these little nagging voices in my head that if i could listen closely enough, i'm sure i would find my list a little incomplete. oh well, the voices have had their shot and for now they need to keep it down in there.
it's been a great visit here in hanover over the last 3 weeks. hard to believe that this time next week i'll be sitting in taipei, likely at work and more than likely to reconcile all that's happened in the last month. a move followed by a cross-canadian road trip, followed by a wedding reception party, followed by days and days of driving hither and thither across southwestern ontario doing more visiting, all the while trying our level best to sort out our banking, car loans, address info, plane tix, visas and contracts. on top of all that, we've been trying to squeeze in as much q.t with the family as possible. phew!
like i said, it's been a great visit but also a tiring one. really need to slip back into a routine and start living life again. we leave for taipei on friday and arrive sat night. been thinking about just heading straight out after we arrive to see some familiar faces, but we will see how that goes. one thing is for sure, i'll be having a taiwan beer and a tea egg as fast as is humanly possible after arrival. ahh...looking forward to the days ahead.
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