Sunday, October 4, 2009

making things happen

learn more chinese...finish design new money....exercise more....quit better...find a better job....start writing more....keep in touch with people more often...
these are the thoughts which swim through my consciousness on an almost daily basis. these niggling, wiggling thoughts which creep up on me when i'm riding the subway, or taking a shower. i assume most people have goals for themselves, something to dream of and aspire to. something to work toward and better yourself. but, like most people i feel full of energy and inspiration, but lack the motivation to tackle these goals, some of which feel insurmountable at times.
i've decided it's time to do something about my goals and i think i've come up with a great solution. i brainstormed for a while and came up with all the things i'd like to start doing or improve upon. after that, i broke them into 4 different groups; health, finances, career and personal growth. within these categories, i then chose main goals which are the long-term. from there, i wrote down some short-term goals for each of the main goals, and then proceeded to break down those short-term goals into smaller steps or tasks. to help organize these goals, i then created an action plan and assigned different tasks from the list to days of this month. now, i have simple tasks to complete every day. so, my thinking is that as long as i complete the daily tasks, i will be just a little bit closer to achieving my goals. not too shabby, huh?

the main reason i've decided to get real about my goals is that lately i've been feeling like a few things have been outside my control and while i'm not a control freak, i do like to do some, if not most, of the driving. this is really just my attempt to grab hold of the steering wheel of life and put the pedal to the metal metaphorically speaking.

have to say, it feels pretty good too. it also feels good to write a blog again...(one of the goals was to 'write more'...guess i've completed at least one of my tasks today)

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