i've come to realize that i actually suck at blogging. i used to use my old blog as a sounding board for my adventures, but i just don't seem to have the need to use this one for the same purposes. be that as it may, i still taste the sharp tang of guilt in my mouth whenever i go to long without an update, so here goes...
of course, lots happening and due to non-posting regularly, i can't recall it all. work has been steady (more or less) but i just found out this week that my adult class is going to have to cancel due to corporate merging. sucks, not only for the money but because i actually enjoy this part of my teaching. it's nice to have a class where i have absolute creative control and we can just have a chat about anything really. it's sad to see them go but at least i made some friends (and some business contacts) out of the deal.
my other teaching job just sucks at the moment. i've also come to know that if i ever want to have kids of my own someday, i need to stop teaching children. it isn't all of them, but the few ruin it for the many. while i am working on getting out of teaching children, i need to be a bit more proactive about that and git er' done.
socially, march was a bit of a dry month. not for lack of activities, but we were still paying for our....ahem, lame staycation. how is that you can have almost no fun and still spend an ass load of cash? anyway, we did go out last weekend for this free house party...cheap shots, dancing, followed up by eggs benedict at n.y. bagels at 4 in the morning, with a side of expat gossip. tasty.
ok, now that i've successfully gotten this blog out of me i think will be able to write something a little bit more meaningful next time i post...at least, that's that plan. today, i've got a bunch of tests to write for my freelance job and 4 apartment viewings to get to before lunch. if we did learn one thing from our holiday here in taiwan, it was that we need a bigger apartment. while that may be months away, i think it's fun to sneak a peek and see what's out there.
scary note: on our walk home from dinner last night, i saw someone get hit by a car for the first time. now, given the state of traffic in taipei one would think one would see this all the time, but mostly, it's a lot of near misses and cuss words. last night, this was full-blown...middle-aged dude got hit by car turning a corner (to catch a light) and rolled onto the hood, then was thrown onto the street. i'd say that car was doing about 25km/h and (thankfully) the man wasn't hurt, just stunned. yours truly was first on the scene and called 911 (or, 119 as it's locally known). still, it's the sort of thing you hear of and not truly see...it always happens to a friend of a friend....guess i've now become that guy.
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