Tuesday, June 8, 2010

changes pt.II

all moved in! feels great to finally be here...the place is already more than i expected. i guess all the blood, sweat and tears that went into finding the apartment really has paid off. i can't explain it, but this place just feels like a better 'fit' than our last place. my only complaint is that we haven't been able to take advantage of the pool just yet, but that's the weather's fault. of course, today it's finally stopped raining and it's sunny, but the pool is closed on monday's. oh well, lots of time to get my swim on.

alongside the move and all these other changes are some personal one's as well. i've decided that it's time to really start taking better care of myself physically. we have a gym downstairs and i've already begun on the path to good health. been looking into workout routines and that starts today after work.i've also decided that i'm going to start cooking more, getting back into eating healthier and knowing what i'm putting into my body. this means giving up fast food and actually going grocery shopping. that part of the plan started on saturday...i already feel better but this might just be in my head.

i'm also going to ease up on the drinking as that has been the major theme over the last couple months on the weekends. just feeling lazy and feel like i'm missing out on life sometimes when i spend half of my sunday sleeping it off. of course, it's fun to go out on the social scene, but it's definitely time to change things up with some more activities other than raising a glass to my mouth several times.

on a different note, i've also decided it's time to challenge myself. i need to learn some more chinese, get back into photo/design and get serious about some career goals. i've got a lot of hours this summer, but when it's done i need to get some more writing happening, or go back to school part-time. it's not that i hate teaching, but i have to say that i really don't like teaching children at buxiban. just not my style and i find myself dreading work. it's been the same story before, only this time as it's my 2nd time doing it, a lot of the old irritations have reared their heads a lot sooner. for my sanity and what's left of my patience, i need to get out of teaching children and start doing what i want to do.

on a wholly different note (and just to see if i could do it) i've given up facebook for seven days. what's the big deal you may ask? well, i realized the other day just how much i actually log on to facebook and am trying to remind myself what the world was like beforehand. i'm on day 3 and not suffering any major withdrawal symptoms which tells me that i really don't have a problem....however, it is amazing how much facebook has become a part of my daily routine. when stopped at a traffic light, my first instinct is to go for my mobile and see what's happening in my news feed. i still have 4 days left and really have no worries about keeping my promise to myself. plus, i always have twitter to tide me over.