Wednesday, March 25, 2009

compromise if the lubricant on which society depends

it seems like all i ever do in life is compromise. i used to think what better place to meet someone than halfway there, but i think twice about things these days. compromise starts at an early age. the world isn't the way we'd like and unless we decide to play ball by making small sacrifices, we can't seem to get along. just ask any newborn who's figuring things out for the first time. and as you learn to talk and listen, it just gets worse.
"finish your dinner and then you can play."
"Ryan, we have to take turns and share our toys."
"Please listen while others are speaking."
but it just gets worse as we age because we start to take more responsibility for our actions. work, family and friends all have their own sets of demands on our time and energy, which forces us to compromise on the time we allot for each task. while physical factors may attribute for a lot of unseen compromising, there is no doubt about how much compromise is made by people, or rather , will vs. will. most people can get along with each other, but there are some which make it difficult due to their unwillingness to bend, or compromise on some issue.
take friendship for example, which is supposed to be all about compromise and one are wherei can honestly say compromise goes a long way. however, some friends compromise more than others. i'm experiencing that in a big way recently with certain others who have a lot of personal problems. as such, this person isn't themself and act out in petty, petty ways forcing the other friend, a.k.a me to compromise even more in the name of friendship. while i should just tell this person to f off and get a hold of themself, the compromising brain tells me to try to be understanding and empathetic.
So, why does this make me want to pull out my hair?
Because as if the above reasons weren't enough for you to believe that life is just one big compromise, there are literally hundreds of mini-compromises that we make on an unconscious level each day. each breath we take as a race is a compromise and not a very good one, i'm afraid. you see, oxygen is very toxic, corrosive element so what animals like humans have evolved on a compromised system. We need the oxygen to survive, and while that doesn't harm us outright, the energy released into the cells from the oxygen powers the mitochondria, which in turn release byproducts. These by-products, known as free radicals, eventually destroy cells which causes ageing and eventually death. But, without this compromise, we wouldn't exist.
alright, so after we come to terms with this irrevocable compromise with mother nature, let us not forget her other compromise; weather. completely a one-sided compromise. the weather couldn't care less about how you have to drive 250km that day, or that you planned to go running before work. hell, it doesn't even think to ask.
all silliness aside, even if the weather could ask i highly doubt it would compromise anyway. why would it? and who would win out? we'd still have people compromising for weather all over the wanting alot of rain for a good growing season....followed by sun all day for the beachgoers and snow in the early morning for the skiers...nothing short of chaos so it's best that it's left to mother nature to take care of.
a few other examples of involuntary compromises include walking on the street(other people and obstructions to compromise you from walking in a straight line), going for bite to eat (choosing restaurant), interacting with strangers we meet and pretty much we leave the house using our feet. (sorry...couldn't resist the rhyming there :) )

i think what i'm hoping for is by putting this into physical form that the universe will somehow listen and make the people i'm thinking of well. again.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

another 3 months and not a single post til now. yikes. seriously, where have i been? i'd like to be able to say i've filled up my time with exotic adventures abroad but in reality the only sojourns i've been on are my daily commute to work and convenience store. bleak to say the least, but i'm feeling the creative energies surging forth and thusly need an outlet for my powerful proclivities....
the problem with photoshop remains as it always does, projects. i have lots of ideas, but i don't seem to be able to focus in on them. there's wedding photo albums to go through, which will take a while to do...then i could of course re-do my blog book using indesign. i could also revisit some of the techniques i've learned over the course of the year which would help to boost creativity...and then of course, summer is coming and some one-of-a-kind tshirts would be really neat-o. decisions, decisions...seems now all i need is more time.
then there are lots of other things i feel i should be doing...the booklist is getting long again so maybe i feel like i should catch up on my list before it gets any longer. then there is the health factor, while now a non-smoker my mid-section seems to have gotten larger over the cold months which means i should start running again except i hate exercising for the point of exercising, but i also hate being fat. then i also feel like i should get back into studying chinese and starting the design course i should have started in january, but never got around to.

with all this procrastination i'm radiating, i suddenly see that it isn't such a big surprise that i haven't written anything in over 3 months.